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      1 - Editpr's Note
      Zohreh Hosaini Khamenei
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      مساجد و فرهنگسراها و تشكلهاي مردمي و نقش تربيتي آنان در تربيت و شكل‌دهي شخصيت كودكان و نوجوانان با شروع دهة 90 شمسي بسياري اعتقاد داشتند كه انقلاب تمام شده و تفكر انقلابي و بسيجي مربوط به دهه‌هاي قبل بوده است و با پير شدن شيرمردان جبهه‌ها و تأثيرات فرهنگي فضاي مجازي، More
      مساجد و فرهنگسراها و تشكلهاي مردمي و نقش تربيتي آنان در تربيت و شكل‌دهي شخصيت كودكان و نوجوانان با شروع دهة 90 شمسي بسياري اعتقاد داشتند كه انقلاب تمام شده و تفكر انقلابي و بسيجي مربوط به دهه‌هاي قبل بوده است و با پير شدن شيرمردان جبهه‌ها و تأثيرات فرهنگي فضاي مجازي، جوانان به راه پدران خود نمي‌انديشند و ارزشها تغيير كرده است... . بسياري گفتند و بسياري باور كردند كه زمانة جديدي آغاز شده است، البته بدون ياد امام و راه امام و خط امام ... ولي برخي از شاگردان انقلاب اسلامي، هوشمندانه از مساجد، مدارسي ساختند تا براي سالهاي بعدي راه و سخن امام زنده بماند. مساجد كه در دوران انقلاب بهترين پايگاه براي مبارزه با طاغوت زمان بود اكنون نيز ميتوانست مدرسه‌يي براي پرورش نسلهاي بعد باشد... در اين «مدارس مسجدي» شاگردان خود صاحب مكتب شدند و در دهه‌هاي بعد منشأ اتفاقات بزرگي گرديدند؛ جواناني كه نيازهاي به روز انقلاب و نظام را شناخته و پاسخي مناسب براي آنها ارائه ميدهند، وظايف بر زمين ماندة دولتها را بر دوش ميكشند و گمنام و غريب، نهضت امام خميني را پيش ميبرند. شهيد مصطفي صدرزاده نمونه خوبي است از مكتب «مسجد النبي» كُهَنز (منطقه‌يي در شهريار). او متولد 1365 و بمعناي واقعي، تربيت شدة مسجد است. شهيد مصطفي در نظام تربيت غيررسمي مسجد مانند طرح تربيتي «صالحين» پرورش يافت و جز خدمت به مردم و حفظ آرمان شهدا به چيزي فكر نميكرد. در تمام بحرانهاي طبيعي و سازمان‌يافته (سياسي) به كمك مردم شتافت و سرانجام به خط مقدم مبارزه عليه داعش در خاك سوريه رسيد. دفاع از مظلوم مرز نميشناسد. در مكتب مصطفي‌ها در ميانة ميدان، تقابل جبهه حق و باطل است؛ نه صرفاً در داخل مرزهاي ايران كه حتي در پشت سيمهاي خاردار اسرائيل. در اين تربيت غيررسمي و متعالي، هدف، تعالي است و پرورش يافتة اين نظام تربيتي، بازوي قدرتمند جمهوري اسلامي است. آمار نشان ميدهد كه مستشاران، فرماندهان و رزمندگان جوان در ميدان نبرد با تكفيريهاي سوريه كه تربيتشان در پايگاههاي بسيج شكل گرفته بود، توانستند نيروهاي تراز انقلاب اسلامي باشند (در مكتب مصطفي، 1399). از آنجا كه اين پايگاههاي تربيتي با سياستهاي فرهنگي غرب و غربزدگان مغاير بود طرح تأسيس «فرهنگسرا» مطرح شد. بجرئت ميتوان گفت فرهنگسراها با هدف نابود كردن نقش تربيتي مساجد تأسيس شدند؛ اتفاقي كه در رنسانس اروپا افتاد. در قرون وسطي و حاكميت كليسا، مركز فرهنگي و هنري همان كليسا بود و نقش تربيتي اين مركز فرهنگي با كنترل عقايد مذهبي شكل ميگرفت. بعد از رنسانس فرهنگي فرهنگسراها بوجود آمدند كه برخي نقش هنري داشت و برخي تربيتي و فرهنگي. در اروپا فرهنگسرا را «آكادمي» ميناميدند مثل «آكادمي علوم روسيه» يا «آكادمي هنر» (هاشمي، 1373). با جستجوي تاريخ درمي‌يابيم كه اولين فرهنگسرا در ايران همان مساجد، حسينيه‌ها و هيئتهاي مذهبي بوده‌اند، مانند «تكيه دولت» كه در سال 1285 هـ . ق به دستور ناصرالدين شاه ساخته شد و اولين بناي مذهبي ـ فرهنگي در ايران است. در زمان پهلويها مراكز فرهنگي بسياري ايجاد و وجهة مذهبي از آنها گرفته شد و اين روند تا زمان انقلاب اسلامي ادامه داشت (يكاني، 1374). انقلاب از مساجد شروع شد و با مساجد پيروز شد و مساجد بعنوان پايگاههاي فرهنگي و هنري و خدماتي و حتي نظامي، فعاليتهاي جدي خود را پررنگتر كردند و اين برخلاف خواستة دشمن بود... . تأسيس فرهنگسراي شهرداري تهران در زمان آقاي كرباسچي شروع برنامه‌يي جدي و هدفمند بود براي جدا كردن دين و اهداف انقلاب از نسل جوان كشور كه تا حدودي موفق شد. فرهنگسراها تحت كنترل امام جماعت نبودند و زمان اذان، صفوف نماز جماعت در آنجا تشكيل نميشد. نفوذ در فرهنگسراها و جهتدهي به افكار نسل جوان كه تشنة دانش هستند بسيار آسان بود. كم‌كم با توسعة فرهنگسراها، مساجد از حضور جوانان خلوت شد و قهرماناني كه توانستند مساجد را بعنوان كانون تعليم و تربيت اسلامي نگه دارند، نسل شهيد مصطفي صدرزاده‌ها را تربيت كردند. نسل دهة هفتادي‌ها و حججي‌ها و عزيزاني كه در اين محيط ولنگاري فرهنگي و فضاي مجازي مسموم، همراه با تمام تلاش دشمن براي گمراهي جوانان، توانستند در تاريكي، راه روشن هدايت را پيدا كنند و به سعادت برسند. تأسيس فرهنگسراها دانسته يا ندانسته ضربة مهلكي بود بر پيكر نقش تربيتي مساجد. شايد اگر هزينه و بودجة اين مراكز را در مساجد خرج ميكردند... شايد... و حال ما مدعيان فرهنگ و تربيت كشور چه بايد بكنيم؟! زهره‌حسيني خامنه‌اي Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      2 - Philosophizing and playing with Philosophy in Coronavirus Period
      Nadia  Maftouni
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      Game, amusement, and pleasure are the issues that always reflected on Fārābī’s works to the extent that he considered them as necessary and useful artworks within the framework of moral, moderate and happy considerations. For him, those who work hard and are serious for More
      Game, amusement, and pleasure are the issues that always reflected on Fārābī’s works to the extent that he considered them as necessary and useful artworks within the framework of moral, moderate and happy considerations. For him, those who work hard and are serious for attaining their rational happiness should enjoy a kind of tranquility and rest in order to feel refreshed in following up their objectives. Game and amusement are often accompanied with imitative images. The word imitation or mimesis is used by Abū Bashār Mattā in the translation of Aristotle’s Art of Poetics. Aristotle’s mimesis is the same imitation as monkey or parrot also does it. Ibn Sīnā, Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and ‘Allāmah Ḥillī also used this term in their works. For Fārābī the meaning of mimesis is more than imitation and is associated with creation. In his view the faculty of imagination contains three potencies of preserving the sensory forms, and then possessing and imitating them. Man in the third one juxtaposes a sensory form with another sensory form which is usually coupled with a meaning. Moreover, imagination imitates universal and philosophical concepts and the intellectuals. Mimesis may take place with the aim of carrying out an amusement and game. Since in Fārābī’s view game and amusement are used in moral sense and he referred to them openly so they are not indecent and disapproved. Teachers can use from games in their teaching. In teaching Islamic philosophy, gnosis, and logic in coronavirus period, the author used from various games and utilized the facilities of Tehran University. Usually, cyberspace classroom is prosy as compare to the real classrooms but there are certain merits in cyberspace classroom that real classrooms lack them. Of course, Tehran University uses the same international model system for teaching students. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      3 - The Role of Religious Training in Preventing the Side-Effects of Cyberspace and Social Networks
      Moslem  Moslem Shojaei
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      The present article is an attempt to depict the role of religious training in preventing the social damages and offer some appropriate solutions for them. Social networks constitute the main factors of values, beliefs, and outlooks, for they can change the views and con More
      The present article is an attempt to depict the role of religious training in preventing the social damages and offer some appropriate solutions for them. Social networks constitute the main factors of values, beliefs, and outlooks, for they can change the views and conducts of people as they wish. The aim of this article is to study the impact of religious training in preventing the social damages and also explain the nature and characteristics of technology. The method of this work is based on analytic-documental studies and is an applied study. It is concluded that the function of social networks and cyberspaces are so strong that they can bring human societies under their influences and draw them away from their vales. Thus in order to protect them from the negative consequences of social networks we should replace the intellectual foundations of western technology by some religious foundations for a life style. A religious training with a monotheistic view in individual and social life considered to be the most important element in preventing the side-effects of social networks. Religious training can put forward certain lifestyles that could protect man from lapsing into such problems. The present article is an attempt to offer some suggestions for confronting with the side-effects of educational centers. Obviously, those societies that approach educational system for controlling and warding off social problem turn out to be successful. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      4 - The Impact of Coronavirus upon the Concept of Interest with Reference to the Right of Child Meeting
      Mohammad Javad Abdollahi Zainab  Zainab Hatami
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      According to the article 45 of new law to protect family, it is obligatory to consider the interest of the children and youth in making any decision in the courts. Interest in family law is considered to be the highest interest. Following the spread of Coronavirus epide More
      According to the article 45 of new law to protect family, it is obligatory to consider the interest of the children and youth in making any decision in the courts. Interest in family law is considered to be the highest interest. Following the spread of Coronavirus epidemic a new condition came into existence and it brought in its wake some basic changes in the life of people and affected the interest of children as well. On the one hand, if parents are affected by virus then it will affect the health of children as well. On the other hand, if they cut their relation to their children then they may suffer psychologically. Accordingly, some solutions should be sorted out to facilitate their meeting. The present article following a philosophical approach seeks to study its legal procedure and the views of scholars and the impact of this crisis on detecting the interest of children and the right of family for their meeting. Manuscript profile

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      5 - The Role of Family in the Transformation and Formation of Identity in Children
      Zahra  Taghyzade Ghavam Kobra  Ahmadvand Zohreh  Zohreh Ahmadi
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in inte More
      One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in interplay with his family members. Accordingly, family is very important for regaining identity. The present article tries to study some of the important family problems then proceeds to study the impact of family on regaining the identity of children with reference to the various levels of coherence, flexibility of family, employment of mothers and children, on the whole their exploitation in lower ages, way of bringing up children in a family and quantitative changes in a family in the absence of one of the parents or both of them. All these play significant role in the formation and transformation of the identity of children. Manuscript profile

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      6 - Philosophical Explanation of the Strategy of Creative Teaching of Natural Sciences in Schools with Reference to the Program of “Philosophy & Children”
      Fatemeh  Bandalizadeh
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      The age of childhood and youth is the best period for social, emotional, and cognitive growth of children. On the one hand it constitutes the basis of human life, that is, what man has gained during the last centuries is due to his thinking power which played a decisive More
      The age of childhood and youth is the best period for social, emotional, and cognitive growth of children. On the one hand it constitutes the basis of human life, that is, what man has gained during the last centuries is due to his thinking power which played a decisive role in his growth. Therefore, all his successes and progresses are rooted in his creative thinking. In this line the present article makes attempt to carry out a philosophical explanation of the strategy of creative teaching of natural sciences in schools with reference to the program of “Philosophy & Children”. The method of the work is analytic-descriptive based on library sources including laws, books, thesis, national and international articles. According to the findings of the article, creative thinking plays an important role in natural sciences. Accordingly, traditional method in teaching natural sciences, not only prevents the growth of critical thinking, but also brings about a gap between the programs and their implementations. Therefore, the only solution is to make a change in the way of teaching this science with reference to the program of “Philosophy & Children” and following a philosophical approach in teaching natural science. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      7 - Philosophical Training of Children
      Hosein  Ataie
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a q More
      Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a question may arise as why did philosophers concern about the training of children? Whether children also should follow the same ethical rules that elders do or they have to follow particular ethical rules? The present article, with reference to Islamic-Iranian thinking, tries to study the importance of philosophical approach in training children, and stress the necessary of philosophical training in religious training and outline the principles of philosophical training. But first the concept of training should be clarified. Manuscript profile

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      8 - Rights of Children in the Period of Crisis and Quarantine
      sina Turkashvand
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      In his social life, man needs physical, spiritual, and economic security. Similarly, children also whose physical, intellectual and social growth begins in their early ages need particular attention and protection spiritually and physically. These attempts should have t More
      In his social life, man needs physical, spiritual, and economic security. Similarly, children also whose physical, intellectual and social growth begins in their early ages need particular attention and protection spiritually and physically. These attempts should have their own proper concepts and patterns, that is, they should have protective aspects by considering children’s weakness in attaining their rights to the extent that the elders feel the necessary of protecting them. Accordingly, this work tries to explain the rights of children in the period of crisis and quarantine. Attention to the rights of children was not only the concern of present societies, this is the main concern of Islam as well. For instance, respecting children, avoiding violence against children, mistreatment of children and making discrimination are among the teachings of Islam. The method of this work is analytic-descriptive. According to the findings of this work, in the period of crisis and quarantine the rights of play are denied for children. Moreover, harassing children by elders will increase and their moral and training rights will be missed. According to these research children in the period of crisis and quarantine are not able to attain their rights as compare to the elders, for their rights always denied by the elders and since they depend on their elders they cannot complain legally. Explaining the rights of children in the period of crisis and quarantine indicate the basic needs of children and it is the duty of family, society, and government to meet their demand and require executive plan for protecting children. Manuscript profile
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      1 - The Role of Family in the Transformation and Formation of Identity in Children
      Zahra Taghyzade Ghavam Kobra Ahmadvand Zohreh Zohreh Ahmadi
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in inte More
      One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in interplay with his family members. Accordingly, family is very important for regaining identity. The present article tries to study some of the important family problems then proceeds to study the impact of family on regaining the identity of children with reference to the various levels of coherence, flexibility of family, employment of mothers and children, on the whole their exploitation in lower ages, way of bringing up children in a family and quantitative changes in a family in the absence of one of the parents or both of them. All these play significant role in the formation and transformation of the identity of children. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      2 - The Role of Religious Training in Preventing the Side-Effects of Cyberspace and Social Networks
      Moslem Moslem Shojaei
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      The present article is an attempt to depict the role of religious training in preventing the social damages and offer some appropriate solutions for them. Social networks constitute the main factors of values, beliefs, and outlooks, for they can change the views and con More
      The present article is an attempt to depict the role of religious training in preventing the social damages and offer some appropriate solutions for them. Social networks constitute the main factors of values, beliefs, and outlooks, for they can change the views and conducts of people as they wish. The aim of this article is to study the impact of religious training in preventing the social damages and also explain the nature and characteristics of technology. The method of this work is based on analytic-documental studies and is an applied study. It is concluded that the function of social networks and cyberspaces are so strong that they can bring human societies under their influences and draw them away from their vales. Thus in order to protect them from the negative consequences of social networks we should replace the intellectual foundations of western technology by some religious foundations for a life style. A religious training with a monotheistic view in individual and social life considered to be the most important element in preventing the side-effects of social networks. Religious training can put forward certain lifestyles that could protect man from lapsing into such problems. The present article is an attempt to offer some suggestions for confronting with the side-effects of educational centers. Obviously, those societies that approach educational system for controlling and warding off social problem turn out to be successful. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      3 - A Study of the Place of Cyberspace in Education: Opportunities and Threats
      Kobra Ahmadvand Zahra Taghyzade Ghavam Samane Dastforoshan Soheila Gholami Haredashti
      Issue 2 , Vol. 5 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      The present world is subjected to an increasing changes, and in this event, cyberspace has a great role to play. Basically, any change in different fields, including cultural and educational ones, may bring in its wake certain effects and consequences proportionate to i More
      The present world is subjected to an increasing changes, and in this event, cyberspace has a great role to play. Basically, any change in different fields, including cultural and educational ones, may bring in its wake certain effects and consequences proportionate to its aims and functions, and cyberspace is not exceptional in this regard. Cyberspace apart from creating some opportunities may face certain challenges as well. Since education organization turns out to be one of the most effective factor in training children, it enjoys a particular place, and so the use of cyberspace seems to be inevitable. The present paper is aimed at exploring the place of cyberspace in education, and casting some light on its opportunities and threats in a descriptive and documental method. So if we learn to exploit it properly, we will be saved from its negative impacts. As an opportunity, cyberspace can bring about as a virtual training means, expenditure reduction, speeding up and unifying of data collection, and so on and so forth. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      4 - Philosophical Training of Children
      Hosein Ataie
      Issue 2 , Vol. 6 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a q More
      Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a question may arise as why did philosophers concern about the training of children? Whether children also should follow the same ethical rules that elders do or they have to follow particular ethical rules? The present article, with reference to Islamic-Iranian thinking, tries to study the importance of philosophical approach in training children, and stress the necessary of philosophical training in religious training and outline the principles of philosophical training. But first the concept of training should be clarified. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      5 - Meditative Thinking in a Research Circle of Teaching Program of “Philosophy and Children”
      Laya Raimzadeh Masumeh Samadi Fahimeh Ansarian
      Issue 3 , Vol. 5 , Spring_Summer 2021
      Meditative thinking is considered to be an intellectual, moral, emotional and normative skill, based on validation and active participation in a society along with a bit concern for the expansion of public good which alongside the critical and creative thinking can pave More
      Meditative thinking is considered to be an intellectual, moral, emotional and normative skill, based on validation and active participation in a society along with a bit concern for the expansion of public good which alongside the critical and creative thinking can pave the way for the growth of intellectual analysis power. Thankful, normative, emotional, active, and sympathetic thinking are among the components of meditative thinking in a society. To change and promote the students beliefs in the phenomenon of meditation is an undeniable necessity and facilitating missions for the psychological well-being and intellectual growth of students in the research circles. The present article aims at defining the meditative thinking in research circle of teaching of philosophy and children, based on certain relevant sources. Research methodology of the work is analytic-descriptive of theoretical foundations for explaining the concept of meditative thinking, its use in promoting this kind of thinking in research circle of teaching philosophy and children. The sample for this analysis is selected under two pre-conditions of being new and fundamental and collected sources from the libraries. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      6 - Teaching Intellection to the Children in Rumī’s Mathnawī
      Fatemeh Bandalizadeh Zohreh Hosaini Khamenei Ehsan Gheisari
      Issue 4 , Vol. 5 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      The main objective of the present work is to explore the views of Rumī concerning the teaching of intellection to the children. In his view human intellection is rooted in the divine revelation. Indeed, in his view human intellect is complemented by the revelation so, i More
      The main objective of the present work is to explore the views of Rumī concerning the teaching of intellection to the children. In his view human intellection is rooted in the divine revelation. Indeed, in his view human intellect is complemented by the revelation so, in order to attain intellectual perfection, man from the beginning was in need of a perfect guide such as God. Rumī followed the same path in his approach to children. Children usually enjoy certain limited experience and are endowed with honesty and purity in their characters and have nothing to do with the adult’s mischievousness and impurities. Childhood in Rumī’s poems is considered the symbol of a period that man has not yet attained his beloved. In this stage a lover is in need of a mediator, similarly, children in this stage need to learn the way of thinking. With reference to Rumī’s Mathnawī the present article seeks to draw Rumī’s views in this regard. In this article we try to take some step in the field of education of children and behold the actualization of their potencies. Manuscript profile

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      7 - Centrality of the Economy of Culture in Fārābian Moral Pattern and its Function in the Program of “Philosophy and Children”
      Nadia Maftouni
      Issue 4 , Vol. 5 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      The program of “philosophy and children” is meant to touch the ethical foundations of children and one of its chief objectives is to train and promote the intellectual growth of children in order to construct an advanced and utopian society. In this work the author, fir More
      The program of “philosophy and children” is meant to touch the ethical foundations of children and one of its chief objectives is to train and promote the intellectual growth of children in order to construct an advanced and utopian society. In this work the author, first, seeks to explore the Fārābian Islamic ethics, which as compared to other models of Islamic ethics, turns out to be a kind of Copernican revolution, then proceeds to prove the efficiency of Fārābian model for philosophy and children. The salient features of the Fārābian model is as follows: 1. The primacy of social ethics to individual ethics; 2. Defining individual ethics by social elements; 3. Exerting maximum effort for building wealth as the first necessary of individual ethics; 4. Exerting maximum effort for getting higher social positions as second necessary of individual ethics. It seems that in his model for establishing a utopia, Fārābī seeks to bring up a spirited and dynamic generation. Manuscript profile

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      8 - Cognitive Development Theories of Children as Viewed by Four Iranian Philosophers (Farabi, Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra)
      Nawab Moqarrabi
      Issue 1 , Vol. 5 , Spring_Summer 2021
      In dealing with the philosophers of any school of thought we should not contend ourselves with explaining and unraveling their views and teachings only. Rather, we proceed to ask ourselves that had they been alive today how could they look at our present problems with t More
      In dealing with the philosophers of any school of thought we should not contend ourselves with explaining and unraveling their views and teachings only. Rather, we proceed to ask ourselves that had they been alive today how could they look at our present problems with their own philosophical and epistemological spectacles? How this world and its problems would loom up before them and which solutions they would sort out as the way out. Hence, the present paper is an attempt to explore various cognitive development theories of children based on the foregoing viewpoint on philosophy and philosophers. To do so, four major Iranian philosophers have been selected in this study and their views on cognitive development theory have been assessed. As a matter of fact, early Iranian philosophers had no specific view or independent work on cognitive development, but if it is supposed to explore their views on this issue we should first of all try to deal with their epistemology, which in the tradition of Iranian philosophy is called “self-knowledge”. Following the introduction of “Philosophy and Children” to Iranians, most of the respective people hastily sought to hold workshops and communities of inquiry in schools and research centers in order to analyze it statistically and descriptively without assessing critically its foundations, principles, and background, most of which seemed to be inconsistent with our culture and Iranian philosophy. Seemingly, both proponents and opponents of “Philosophy and Children” are unaware of its theoretical principles. In this paper, for the first time, cognitive development theories of children will be studied critically in the context of Iranian philosophy with reference to the views of four great Iranian philosophers such as Farabi, Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra. It is impossible and illogical to lay the foundation of any new philosophical system without tracing its background and foundations to its culture, for acquiring any knowledge based on which the end of any action is attainable is possible only through a previous knowledge. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      9 - Moral Training of Children from the Islamic Perspective
      Atefeh Souhani
      Issue 2 , Vol. 5 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      A proper and suitable moral training is a kind of force that can save man in certain tricky situations, and protect him from falling into misleading and stumbling paths. Obviously, when a work is done in its proper time and particular situation, it may yield its desirab More
      A proper and suitable moral training is a kind of force that can save man in certain tricky situations, and protect him from falling into misleading and stumbling paths. Obviously, when a work is done in its proper time and particular situation, it may yield its desirable result. Similarly, childhood period is also the best time for construction. Children are receptive to any kind of training. That is, they are eagerly ready to implement any idea and plan suggested for their training, and will not go away easily. It is very difficult to change those improper inherent moralities and characteristics in adult age. While, it is easy to lead back a child from any possible deviation that may appear before his way, and direct him towards right path. Accordingly, child age is the best period for construction and moral training. For, at this age, the mind of child has not yet found his final form and figure, and is apt to any kind of training for which parents are primarily responsible. Therefore, the present article is an attempt to shed some light on the issue of morality that primarily plays an important role in training, and then embarks upon addressing the issue of training, the way of communicating with children, pursuing stages of learning, and finally, the way of accepting the moral rules and regulations. From religious aspect, certain moral and ideological points concerning children will be explored. Manuscript profile

    • Open Access Article

      10 - Fārābī on Rational Training
      Fariba Adelzadeh Naeini1 Reza Ali Norouzi Jahanbakhsh Rahmani
      Issue 4 , Vol. 5 , Autumn_Winter 2021
      Reason enjoys a particular significance and place in Peripatetic philosophy in general and Fārābī’s thought in particular, to the extent that he wrote a particular treatise on reason. Moreover, Fārābī as the founder of Islamic philosophy has an unparalleled place in the More
      Reason enjoys a particular significance and place in Peripatetic philosophy in general and Fārābī’s thought in particular, to the extent that he wrote a particular treatise on reason. Moreover, Fārābī as the founder of Islamic philosophy has an unparalleled place in the history of philosophy. Accordingly, to carry out a research on his view concerning reason seems to be very important. The present work aims at exploring rational training based on Fārābī’s theory of reason for which the author has followed an analytic-descriptive method. To this end, the author first treats Fārābī’s view of reason then embarks upon explaining the concept of rational training. According to the findings of this research, rational training in Fārābī is implemented by both practical and theoretical reason. The aim of rational training is to lead man to follow all levels of intellect, ranging from potential intellect to the acquired intellect, in the light of Active Intellect. That is, in the field of rational action and knowledge man should attain intellection; put it in other words, to attain perfect actuality and pure detachment. Manuscript profile
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    Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute
    Zohreh Hosseini Khamenei (Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (SIPRIn))
    Nadia Maftouni (ْUniversity of Tehran, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies)
    Executive Manager
    Maryam Sadat Mojtahedzadeh (Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute)
    Editorial Board
    Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei (Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute) Gholamhossein Ibrahimi Dinani (University of Tehran) Gholamreza A‘awani (Shahid Beheshti University) Reza Dawari Ardakani (University of Tehran) Ahad Faramarz Qaramaleki (University of Tehran) ‘Abdulrazzaq Hesamifar (Imam Khomeini International University) Ali Naqi Baqershahi (Imam Khomeini International University) Ghasem Pourhasan (Allameh Tabataba’i University)
    Print ISSN: 2322-4215
    Online ISSN:2676-5365

    Publication period: TwoQuarterly
    Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. Imam Khomeini Complex, Resalat Exp., Building #12, Tehran, Iran.
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    Number of Volumes 4
    Number of Issues 8
    Printed Articles 56
    Number of Authors 76
    Article Views 167021
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    Number of Accepted Articles 56
    Acceptance 84 %
    Time to Accept(day) 7
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    Last Update 7/27/2024