Philosophical communities of inquiryenjoy a practical, rational and philosophicalattitude toward the development of critical,creative, and controlling insight into thesurrounding issues. Since a great deal ofpeople’s ideas, beliefs, thoughts, andworldviews are under the
Philosophical communities of inquiryenjoy a practical, rational and philosophicalattitude toward the development of critical,creative, and controlling insight into thesurrounding issues. Since a great deal ofpeople’s ideas, beliefs, thoughts, andworldviews are under the influence ofcyberspaces in the present time, particularlyin modern communities, it is necessary todevelop a critical approach among childrenin dealing with the contents of thecyberspaces, and teach them how toconfront with these immense informationprovided by these centers. The presentpaper, as carried out with the participationof children in philosophical communities ofinquiry, is an attempt to enhance the critical,creative and accountable ability of childrenin confronting with the content and existinginformation of the cyberspaces. An analysisof the data as collected by Covariancemethod with %99 certainty in twelvesessions indicate that the participation ofstudents in philosophical community ofinquiry can affect their critical thought skillsincluding the skills of inductive anddeductive reasoning, analysis of mediamessages, enhancing self confidence, andincreasing hypothesis making ininternet(p≤0.01). Accordingly, we canbenefit from the teaching program of“philosophy for children” in deepening ourunderstanding of information in cyberspacesand reducing the destructive impacts of thisinvaluable and overall media.
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