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        1 - Editor Notes
        Zohreh Hosaini Khamenei
        Editor Notes
        Editor Notes Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Why Friendship? A Plan for Training Children in a Society
        Reza  Mahuzi
        In the course of the eruption of turbulent events in certain societies, only those people can resist and overcome the new problems, and even proceed to benefit from its opportunities that knowingly try to involve themselves collectively in understanding, analyzing and s More
        In the course of the eruption of turbulent events in certain societies, only those people can resist and overcome the new problems, and even proceed to benefit from its opportunities that knowingly try to involve themselves collectively in understanding, analyzing and solving the problems. Such cooperation with themselves and others pertains, more than ever, to a cultural issue that should reside in one’s life. The present work, with a philosophical emphasis on the concept of friendship, seeks to prove that our education in present and future situation should draw its attention to this issue. To this end, after separating the ideal state from the existing state, friendship should be introduced as a kind of management of the society in an existing concrete way. Finally, this method should be generalized on the whole of educational system of the country ranging from the kindergartens to the universities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Study of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mathnawi’s Stories (Sixth Book) on Philosophy for Children
        Zahra  Satar Panahi Zaynab  Barkhordari
        Stories are used for different purposes. Today stories are particularly used to increase thinking and reasoning power. Indeed, they are the means of teaching philosophy for children (Lipman’s method). On the other hand, original and deep-rooted Persian culture has been More
        Stories are used for different purposes. Today stories are particularly used to increase thinking and reasoning power. Indeed, they are the means of teaching philosophy for children (Lipman’s method). On the other hand, original and deep-rooted Persian culture has been always associated with story literature. Mathnawi is considered to be one of the best sources of Persian stories replete with a lot of profound and instructive teachings, and naturally can be effective in cognitive and sentimental development of children. Applying Mathnawi’s stories in communities of inquiry and using them in teaching philosophy for children, apart from promoting discursive and curious skills of children, can be effective in bringing about a thinking child as well. Moreover, these stories, owing to their provocative contents, usually replete with queries and philosophical challenges, and in certain cases, on account of enjoying certain figures akin to children, can be effective in teaching philosophy for children. Inefficient points of these stories in many cases are resolvable. Being indigenous is a kind of privilege to these stories in applying them for teaching philosophy for children. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Impact of Teaching Program of Philosophy for Children upon the Development of Critical Thinking in Using Cyberspace
        Maryam  Solgi
        Education is considered to be one of the most important activities of human being in all communities. The increasing spread of social structure and the demand for training and preparing the people for a life in progress on the one hand, and the existence of different ap More
        Education is considered to be one of the most important activities of human being in all communities. The increasing spread of social structure and the demand for training and preparing the people for a life in progress on the one hand, and the existence of different approaches concerning the role of man in the present age on the other hand, more than ever, have prompted the upholders of teaching systems to undertake the guidance and organization of teaching process. Modern education seeks to focus on promoting critical and proper methods of reasoning and thought in curriculum. Rapid changes of societies, increasing growth of information, intrusion of cyberspace into human life and necessity of proper confrontation with these changes prompt us to think properly and develop our imaginal faculty and judgment in order to come to term with these changes. In this regard, three decades ago, a program of teaching philosophy for children was worked out in order to modify and strengthen their intellectual power. This program is considered to be one of the latest methods for strengthening the reasoning, judging and detecting power of children as well. Moreover, this program possesses certain cognitive and social objectives and its main objective is to teach thinking method for children. To meet this end, a kind of qualitative method of study has been adopted in collecting data in this work. The conclusions of this study indicate that in this program a great attention has been made to various dimensions of philosophical mind. But keeping in view the changes in the field of internet technologies and cyberspaces and the confrontation of children with these developments, they should be guided through this program toward criticizing the information that come to their mind. More important, threat of cyberspace against children is an important factor for drawing the attention of the educationists to this crucial issue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Comparative Study of the Anthropological Principles of Ibn Sina and Matthew Lipman
        Meisam  Fallahi
        The main objective of this paper is to make a comparative study of the anthropological principles of Ibn Sina and Matthew Lipman. This study is based on an analytic-descriptive and deductive method, for which data were collected from the libraries. First, the components More
        The main objective of this paper is to make a comparative study of the anthropological principles of Ibn Sina and Matthew Lipman. This study is based on an analytic-descriptive and deductive method, for which data were collected from the libraries. First, the components of man from the perspective of Ibn Sina and Lipman are discussed, and then proceeded to elaborate their common and different points on man. According to the conclusion of this work, there are certain agreements and disagreements between them on the issue of man. They agree that man is a rational being, possessing will power, and also enjoying a kind of natural, biological and sensible features, along with individual and social identity. Man is also subjected to a perpetual change and transformation. As for their disagreements, each of them presents his own view on the beginning and end of man. One of their main differences on man pertains to the very proper age for commencing philosophical thinking. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Critical Approach to the Content of Cyberspaces in Philosophical Communities of Inquiry
        Mehrnoosh  Hedayati Elham  Sabery
        Philosophical communities of inquiryenjoy a practical, rational and philosophicalattitude toward the development of critical,creative, and controlling insight into thesurrounding issues. Since a great deal ofpeople’s ideas, beliefs, thoughts, andworldviews are under the More
        Philosophical communities of inquiryenjoy a practical, rational and philosophicalattitude toward the development of critical,creative, and controlling insight into thesurrounding issues. Since a great deal ofpeople’s ideas, beliefs, thoughts, andworldviews are under the influence ofcyberspaces in the present time, particularlyin modern communities, it is necessary todevelop a critical approach among childrenin dealing with the contents of thecyberspaces, and teach them how toconfront with these immense informationprovided by these centers. The presentpaper, as carried out with the participationof children in philosophical communities ofinquiry, is an attempt to enhance the critical,creative and accountable ability of childrenin confronting with the content and existinginformation of the cyberspaces. An analysisof the data as collected by Covariancemethod with %99 certainty in twelvesessions indicate that the participation ofstudents in philosophical community ofinquiry can affect their critical thought skillsincluding the skills of inductive anddeductive reasoning, analysis of mediamessages, enhancing self confidence, andincreasing hypothesis making ininternet(p≤0.01). Accordingly, we canbenefit from the teaching program of“philosophy for children” in deepening ourunderstanding of information in cyberspacesand reducing the destructive impacts of thisinvaluable and overall media. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Methods of Deepening Religious Beliefs in Children
        Atefeh  Sowhani
        Generally speaking, religious educationof offspring is a necessity. Those who turntheir blind eyes to the education of childrenand young adults, and underestimate it byabsorbing in daily matters should behold theresult of their carelessness. As a matter offact, deepenin More
        Generally speaking, religious educationof offspring is a necessity. Those who turntheir blind eyes to the education of childrenand young adults, and underestimate it byabsorbing in daily matters should behold theresult of their carelessness. As a matter offact, deepening of religious teachings inchildren can prevent them from involving insocial and ethical vices, for a great deal ofmischievous acts of children is rooted intheir lack of religious and ethical education.Internalization of religious values makesthem defy any kind of deviation. If parentsand teachers wish to familiarize childrenwith religious teachings and institutionalizethese teachings in them, they should initiateit from the childhood and young adult age.Thanks to applying a proper methodologyeducation in Islamic system enjoys aparticular place. The tree of education willyield fruit when educational theories areimplemented by proper methods. Themethods that are embellished withencouragement, model, love, insight, andstory turn out to be the most effectivemethods offered by the Quran which canassist parents and teachers to internalizereligious teachings in children and youngadults. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Study of the Augmentation of Effectiveness of Teaching Philosophy for Children and Youth on the Happiness of First Grade Middle Girl Students in Tehran
        Ma’ideh  Yusufi
        The objective of the present work is tostudy the impact of implementing programof thinking skills upon augmentation ofhappiness of first grade middle girl studentsin Tehran. This research work includes sixtyfirst grade middle girl students in Tehranand are divided casua More
        The objective of the present work is tostudy the impact of implementing programof thinking skills upon augmentation ofhappiness of first grade middle girl studentsin Tehran. This research work includes sixtyfirst grade middle girl students in Tehranand are divided casually into experimentaland control groups. The instrument forcollecting data is Oxford test of happiness.Meanwhile, pre-test and post-test withcontrol group are used for studying thehypothesis of research work. For theanalysis of data the comparison of marksbefore and after tests have been made,employing the test T Student forindependent groups.A workshop consists of twenty sessions,one session (45 minutes) in a week washeld, using the method of Sharp-Lipman’scommunity of inquiry with reference toPhilip Kamp and Robert Fisher’s intellectualstories. The conclusion of the researchindicates that the implementation ofteaching philosophy for children withcommunity of inquiry is effective in thedevelopment of happiness of children andhas positive impact in its wake. Manuscript profile